The youth Ministry is the most energetic, vibrant, and the core of a growing church. A youth is any person who expresses their deep passion, devotion, and love for God with enthusiasm and energy. We believe in a youth who enjoys being young and youthfully expressing this in celebration with fellow believers. You are part of us if you love God, and desire to grow and mentor those behind you.
Our Mission
To grow and establish a generation of young people who can stand to be counted. Making real leaders who are able to withstand any situation and embrace godly values in any circumstance.
We embrace the fact in 1Timothy 4:12:
“Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”
This means, we know our identity in the Lord, we recognize that we are servants of the Lord and all we do is to serve the Lord our God, for He is the only one worthy of our praise. We also recognize that it’s a privilege to have a chance on earth to serve God.
We are committed to becoming a true semblance of Jesus Christ in our character, walk, and faith.
our Vision
“To be a voice for the young generation setting an example in lifestyle, speech, and character; being models of perfect transformation”
Our Objectives
We seek to be the leadership team of excellence leading many into knowledge and realization of Jesus Christ in the following means
- To promote maturity in the Christian faith and life among members.
- To encourage fellowship amongst members at a personal level.
- To reach out to young people and help them find a home in God’s Kingdom
- To provide a platform for the youth to exercise their natural abilities and spiritual gifting
- To raise and bring up leaders from members, enabling them to realize their hidden potential.
- Be one of the best exemplifications of God’s Love
- To train and Equip the youth for leadership,
- Showing servanthood at all times in our daily walk with God in and out of season.
- Be most committed to Holiness
- Have the Holy Spirit prevail in all our meetings, services, and daily experiences.
The dynamic nature of the youth ministry with vibrant youths with a variety of needs has generated three units or groups of youths in the church. The units are namely Generation for Christ a.k.a G4C, Gospel Blazers a.k.a GB, Gideons and Young Professionals a.k.a YP
G4C (Generation For Christ)
This unit is composed of wonderful and excellent brothers and sisters from high school. This is where we celebrate being in high school. It’s most active during holidays. The team is under the leadership of Brian Makau and Joy Gatwiri. Parents with teenagers connect them with this unit
GB (Gospel Blazers)
The age of college, careers, and successful mentorship, is composed of youths between 18 years and 24 years. Are you from high school less than 6 years ago? Then, this is where you belong. This unit meets every Sunday after the English service. Connect with them and be part of that family.
This unit comprises the older brothers and sisters who they meet to share the bread of life. Any youth above 25 years and below 28 years belongs here. This unit meets every Sunday after the English service; if you belong to this family, connect with them soonest.
YP (Young Professionals)
This unit comprises the older brothers and sisters who they meet to share the bread of life. Any youth above 28 years belongs here. This unit meets every Sunday after the English service; if you belong to this family, connect with them soonest.
There is a youth service every second Friday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm. The other meetings that every youth is encouraged to attend are the monthly youth meetings every first Sunday in the church. The unit meetings are there every Sunday after the second service. All the youth’s meetings are held in the church compound except when otherwise communicated by the leadership.
The youth ministry participates in a variety of activities such as Concerts, sports, Keshas, Camps, seminars, and retreats among others. Concerts are entertainment and fun afternoons where various artists are invited with a DJ on stage. This is an activity you cannot afford to miss. Sports are held together with bonding sessions where the youth play interacts and bond. Camps take place once a year, it is here where we learn lots of life related and our core values as Christian.
Other Youth Fellowships
- The coffeeShop – Every 2nd Friday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm
- Celebration service – Every Sunday from 7.30 am to9.00 am
Youth leadership
Executive Committee
Youth Pastors – Eric & Irene Mutembei
Chairman – Brian Musawa
Secretary – Samson Gharama
Celebration service Incharge
Pastor Irene & Eric Mutembei