About Men’s Fellowship
Men are the pillars of society and the primary purpose of the Men’s Fellowship is to lead men to God and for them to mature in Christ.
The Deliverance church Githurai 45 Men’s fellowship through the guidance of our Pastor Rev. Gerald Kimathi, has seen the need for men to come together to discuss and develop their skills and abilities as brothers, sons, husbands and fathers to lead their families in the Biblical way amidst so much confusion that plagues society in this regard.
Our Men’s Fellowship (MF), is a gathering of men filled with passion to see other men find salvation, inner peace and fulfillment in life through Jesus Christ. We are committed to daily Christ-like living through a transformed life by the guiding influence and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
Our scripture reference is:
Matthew 28: 19 & 20 “Go you therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Amen.”
Therefore, we do invite every man married or unmarried to be part of the Men’s Fellowship, and to contribute to the growth of God’s kingdom.
The Bible, in Philippians 2:4, reminds us to care for one another and to encourage one another in the LORD. “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” (Philippians 2:4).
Our Men’s fellowship presents an opportunity for all men to come together as the children of God to encourage and strengthen one another in the faith.
Our Key Objectives
- To build strong relationships among men and have continual prayers as a team.
- To use the spiritual gifts from God for His Church and Glory.
- To propagate the Word of God and win souls for God’s kingdom,
- Encourage men to attend church programs regularly e.g. church services and participate in the church activities
- To intercede for the men, families, nation and the church
- To encourage men to take part in church ministry
- To continue supporting the church in its programs of outreach.
- To promote the spiritual growth of all members.
Fellowship Meeting
Men’s Fellowship conducts monthly Fellowship meetings on every 3rd Sunday of the month within the church premises. Outside and internal speakers exhort us on special interest topics e.g. investments, personal & spiritual growth, family life, this is proceeded by testimonies from members and planning of men up coming events.
Every man who is a member of deliverance church 45 is eligible and all are encouraged to join the Men’s Fellowship as members. We are open to all without any discrimination on tribe or race. We respect the uniqueness and dignity of individuals and believe that the individual’s spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical and social growth complements and fulfills one another.
We welcome you to the church where the undiluted word of God is preached and practiced and the Love of Christ is demonstrated. Holiness is our way of life and we have passions for lost souls. We certainly believe that by the grace of God you will have a refreshing and rewarding experience as you fellowship with us. We are indeed a happy and blessed family of God and we are confident that you shall be blessed, you shall be lifted and it shall be well with you.
Men’s Fellowship Activities
- Monthly fellowship meeting on the 3rd Sunday of each month.
- Home visitation to members, hospital / wake visits, care for the sick and family worship
- Visitation to children’s homes
- Men sports day
- Men’s ministry week
- Men’s witnessing days
- Retreat & keshas
Men’s Fellowship Leadership Team
Name | Position |
Spiritual Overseer | Rev. Pastor Gerald Kimathi |
Leadership | A Team Champions |
Come and join us in the celebration of God’s Love and you will be glad that you did.