Rome was not built in a day, they say, but grew daily. Growth processes are powerful and important to be ignored. Rome, Nairobi, cancerous tumours, forests, and even criminal habits grow overtime. The moral here is that we watch what sow or tolerate! What kind of society do we desire to have in the next generation? It will grow from our sowing.
Here are some realities for your consideration. We reap what we sow (Gal 6:7b). Parents desire to have loving and loyal children. Society longs for sober and loyal members. Who would dream of employing disloyal workers? Think about it, loyalty begins from the top: everything rises or falls on leadership. David modelled loyalty to Saul and never suffered any coup in his lifetime; save for his son (1 Sam 26:8-11). Secondly, dreams are anchored on loyalty. How else can one grow a company, school, church, or even a family? If you value your dream, cultivate loyalty to others and you will, in turn, reap from your sowing.
Loyalty breeds loyalty (1 Sam 26:11). David passed the loyalty test God had allowed him to encounter (26:12c). Like begets like, they said. Do not be deceived, sow loyalty and you will receive loyalty from others. The opposite is also true; disloyalty breeds disloyalty. Disloyal people do not believe in you. Followers who do not believe in you will undermine you all the time: and you may have them at work, home, in your business and everywhere! Be loyal and model loyalty; it is your way up. Loyalty has a single eye: it is focused. You can’t serve two masters!