Chair: Pst.James &Mary Gitahi
The consolidation department has 3 divisions namely
- Evangelism
- Connect
- Discipleship
Evangelism Department
As a church, we are committed to the words of our Lord Jesus Christ in Mathew 28:19-20″Go therefore and make disciples of all the nation’s, baptising them in the name of the father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit…”.The evangelism department is the arm of the church that is entrusted with the responsibility of taking the Gospel to the nations. This we do by involving Spirit-filled Christians in line with Acts 1:8, to do one on one witnessing whenever an opportunity presents itself and make known Jesus the son of God. The church has also set aside every 4th Sunday of the month as a time for the entire church to go out in the surrounding neighbourhoods and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. occasionally, we also organise open-air meetings aimed at reaching out to the lost in the community. These forums are also a good avenue of raising Christian leaders in our church by allowing individuals to exercise their gifting in the mission field.
In addition, this arm of the church partners with other churches in other parts of the country in helping spread the Gospel. We have a minimum of 3 inter – counties missions even year. Interested churches make invitations to us in line with our set seasons of inter – counties evangelism. We emphasise that such churches should have committed personnel to do follow up of the newborn again and also be willing to disciple them as part of our engagement. Through special arrangements, we offer to help set up such teams with interested churches.
This arm of the church is tasked with welcoming and receiving visitors on behalf of the church. A church is a family that belongs to God and everyone is looking for a place where they can have a good fellowship. Many factors contribute to one settling in a particular fellowship and not in another. As a church, we acknowledge that people come from various backgrounds and orientations and we appreciate that we are all at different levels in our lives. With this in mind, the connect department strives to make everyone visiting our church for the first time, get a feeling of the whole church in one place. We desire to be hospitable to every soul that God blesses us with and ensure that they enjoy the fellowship of the brethren. At connect, we are involved in evangelising to the visitors, quoting the words of St. Paul in Romans 10:13-14. The larger congregation in the church may be intimidating to many but in the visitors’ room, we allow visitors to share their life experiences with a team of dedicated Christians ready to help them connect with God, our father. We also offer basic counselling on life matters in line with the word of God. As a believer in our church, we encourage everyone to belong. This makes it possible by connecting everyone to cell meetings and various fellowships in our church. The men are connected to the men fellowship while the ladies are connected to The Abigail’s ministry. In all this, we ensure that your presence is valued and treasured.
The discipleship division has trained teachers that are dedicated to teaching sound doctrine to new believers to help them stand in faith and keep their testimony about Jesus Christ uncorrupted. The words of 1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defence to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear”are very key to us. The new born again Christians from all the evangelistic work both outside and in the church are introduced to basic Christian living. We help them realise their new identity in Christ Jesus according to 2 Corinthians 5:17.
This highly trained and spirit-filled team of teachers are tasked with helping the new believer clear any stumps in their lives as they walk in the strength of the Holy Spirit.
New believers are taught 10 New Beginners Lessons over a period of 10 weeks, mainly on Sundays from 9 am to 10 am in the church compound at designated rooms. These lessons also have practical sessions where we help the new believers go out and preach to the lost for 4 Sundays. This is aimed at growing their faith and confidence in the word of God. We also organise a full day prayer retreat to help the new believer learn how to pray. At the end of this period, the church organises a graduation ceremony to appreciate the commitment and dedication of these Christian leaders where they are presented with a certificate of completion of level 1 discipleship. These Christian leaders are now ready to serve in the kingdom of God according to their giftings. Some have risen through this process to go and start their churches as far as South Sudan.